Feeling Homesick Here are Ways to Overcome It e1646977042163

Feeling Homesick? Here are Ways to Overcome It

In fact, 66% of freshmen college students report having severe homesickness, according to a survey. This can be experienced during the first week or two until it wears off. To overcome the feeling of homesickness, we have provided some ways for you:

Know that you are not alone

Sometimes, you will feel like every person around you copes up well with the adjustment period. But you are wrong because they also certainly experience what youโ€™re going through. Take your time. Some people may have faster adjustments while the majority misses home big time. When you accept the truth that other people also deal with this kind of feeling, it becomes much easier to deal with and move on.

People have their own ways

We are dealing with things in our own ways. Your roommate may deal with homesickness by not calling his parents, and others may not be comfortable talking about it. You donโ€™t need to force people to control it, but make them feel that you are there and willing to listen.

Asking for help is okay

Living alone in a place far from family may be difficult. As family and friends lessen your worry and make you feel cared for, this may be missed when living on campus. If you feel sad, upset, or hopeless, consider visiting the counseling office. Donโ€™t be ashamed but rather be proud that you are doing your best to overcome it.

Deal with it your own way

To help you have healthy coping mechanisms after accepting the feeling of homesickness, you may call home, write a letter home, go home for a weekend, or invite your family to visit.

Every once in a while, have a phone call with your family. It can be an effective way of quelling homesickness. However, it must be put in moderation. Calling and hearing your familyโ€™s voice can make you miss them more. For many, a 15-minute call or less is enough to further adjust well.

When you have the time, go home for the weekend. This may let you recharge for a bit. But if you want them to see how you are doing well living in a dorm, you can invite them to visit you. Youโ€™ll probably miss the comfort of your home but you surely wouldnโ€™t mind receiving tons of big hugs.

Look at the big picture

It is totally understandable to feel homesick for a few days. Wanting to go home does not mean your college is not fit for you. There will be good and bad days, and if everything fails, allow yourself to be miserably homesick. Soon, you will tire out and will realize how much time you are wasting.

College is a fun and rewarding experience. Donโ€™t let your homesickness get the most of your time and energy.

Having a hard time adjusting to your new life at college? Read our articles here at MSM Unify to learn more on how to properly deal with the challenges of student life.


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