Productive Indoor Activities for International Students

Productive Indoor Activities for International Students

Aside from embarking on adventures outdoors, international students also need hobbies to keep them moving while in their dorms.

Daily activities help them become more energetic, productive, and creative. And the best part is, most indoor activities are free.

Here some productive indoor activities that international students can do in their free time:

Build a Healthy Body With Exercise

It’s easy to fall into a sedentary lifestyle when you’re stuck at home. But sitting all day every day can double the risks of cardiovascular, obesity, high blood pressure, and more.

Subjecting your body to exercise activates stored energy that stimulates the muscles. Your body also releases chemicals that alleviate your mood and swing you into relaxation. 

You can try a few simple aerobic exercises such as jogging in place or stretching. You can pick a pair of dumbbells to add more resistance to the arms.

Consistent exercising is a great way to break away from daily dullness. If you have a roommate you can also ask them to join you in your exercise routine.

Regular low-intensity exercises are fine. As long as you monitor your progress, then you can expect great results. 

Try New Dishes With Cooking 

If you’re staying in an accommodation where you have the chance to cook, take advantage of it. Whether it’s a communal kitchen or a personal one, it’s still better than nothing.

If you’ve always been passionate about cooking then you’ll definitely love this hobby. If you don’t know where to start, you can try cooking some of your host country’s traditional foods.

With a wide repertoire of dishes, you can bask in a multitude of meals you haven’t tried before. Try out simple meals first, then gradually move to the more complicated ones.

In some ways, cooking is also a creative activity. If you’re on a tight budget, it forces you to think out of the box and try out cheaper options.

Once you’ve perfected your first dish, you can call your friends over and share the meal with great conversation. 

Explore the City Through Virtual Tours

A virtual exploration sounds like an oxymoron but it’s still a great way to learn about your host country. At a time where there are restrictions to go out, it’s best to enjoy while still prioritizing safety.

If you want to go museum hopping, you can visit Google Arts & Culture. This page would give you virtual tours to some of the world’s most famous museums.

If you have a deep appreciation for the arts and history, then you can definitely try this out. No need to jostle with other tourists. The only downside is that you don’t get any souvenirs. 

Transforming Your Space With Tidying and Renovation

Cleaning is not very fun, but it can be calming. If you want to move toward better productivity, then you can start with simple tasks like cleaning your dorm.

You can also renovate or redecorate your space. You don’t have to spend much money on this. Redecorating can be as simple as rearranging the furniture in your dorm.

Giving your area a new look is definitely a rewarding experience, It frees up unused space, and resting becomes more comfortable and peaceful.

Activities indoors are just as necessary as exploring the world outside. To learn more about living abroad and what life looks like as a foreign student, browse through our stories here at MSM Unify.


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