Start your search earlyÂ
Early planning will always be a great choice, even in college hunting. Since you have a lot of research to do, from exploring colleges, programs, up to extracurriculars, starting early is just the right thing to do. Aside from these, take note of the tuition fees, facilities, and dorms available.
Finding the perfect college for you will take a lot of time considering all the aspects that you need to ponder. Start early so those wrong choices can be avoided. The earlier, the better.
Make your college checklist
Students have their own preferences on what they are looking for in a college. Some international students may want a university in the middle of a busy city while some just want a laid-back college away from the bustle. Urban campuses have more opportunities both for internship and networking while rural campuses provide exciting outdoor fun.
At the end of the day, you will be the one studying, so it must be you who will make the final decision. So, write down the things that you look for in a college. Start with a college that offers your major. Also consider the campus size, student population, facilities for international students, location, dorms, and more. This list will also help narrow down your college shortlist.
Discuss plans with your family
Consult what you researched with your family, but don’t let them decide for you. Open up a discussion about your academic goals. Share with them the schools where you want to apply. Then, the money talk can happen. Ask whether your parents can support your choices financially. If not, cross out those that do not meet the capacity. Or better, try to look for other ways like financial assistance or having a part-time job.
Talk to a career counselor
While it is good to speak to your family, it is also great to talk to someone professional and expert in the field of international education. Career counselors may be a big help in suggesting colleges that could be the right one for you based on your interests. You can also talk to them about your study program, available scholarships, to name a few. They can be a one-stop source for college tips.
Join campus tours
If you want to feel a campus’s vibe, it may be worth the try to visit the campus. Through campus tours, you will just know and feel if the school is the one for you. Also, campus tours allow you to interact with students, teachers, and counselors. You can also sit in during a class and eat in the cafeteria. Look at it as a glimpse of how your life would be for the next years to come. Imagine yourself as a student on campus. Is that university the kind of education provider you aspire to attend?
Discover more tips and tricks from studying to living abroad by browsing through MSM Unify.