The United Arab Emirates (UAE), like other countries in the world, has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of public health and the state of the economy. However, there are some emerging industries during the pandemic.
Unlike in many countries in the world, the mortality rate caused by the virus remains low in the UAE. In fact, as of April 2021, the death count is around 1,547. According to the Institution International Finance (IIF) Chief Economist Garbis Iranian, the low death rate is due to the country’s “relatively young population, improved testing” and better hospital treatment.
Moreover, with the ongoing vaccination happening in the country, hailed as the second-fastest in the world, experts believe that the UAE’s economy will make a modest recovery in 2021.
Businesses in the country have also found ways to adapt. In fact, major changes happened in the form of digitization. If you have been thinking of studying in the UAE to get a degree or training, and then eventually get a job there, it would be helpful to know the country’s emerging industries, to help you choose the right career for you.
Health Care
It is not surprising that health care is one of the industries that got the spotlight during the pandemic. In fact, the need for specialized medical professionals, such as nurses, general practitioners, and medical doctors has increased a lot, to around 112 percent, according to LinkedIn. Aside from medical professionals, healthcare support staff, including laboratory assistants, healthcare assistants, and clinic managers became in demand, and the need grew to 129 percent.
Digital Content Freelance Jobs
The increase in online activities and the changing consumer behaviors have increased the demand for freelancers, especially in the digital content category. For example, many businesses, to be able to connect to their market, transitioned to making more digital content, such as blog posts or YouTube videos. At the same time, the need to work remotely has also increased.
Digital content freelancers have experienced 197 percent growth in the UAE in the past year. Moreover, common job roles include digital marketing manager, social media manager, marketing director, social media specialist, video producer, writer, illustrator, and so on.
Professional and Personal Coaches
Another job category that has experienced a huge increase since 2020 is mentoring and coaching-related jobs. In fact, many individuals, especially those greatly affected by the pandemic, have decided to switch professions to life or leadership coaches. The increase is around 206 percent since 2019. Moreover, the majority of those roles are filled by women.
Language-Related Services
This job category, according to LinkedIn, has increased in demand by 134 percent between 2019 and 2020. Jobs for this category include being a translator, English teacher, and even medical interpreter.
Specialized Engineering Roles
Jobs in engineering, particularly civil engineering, have always been in demand in the UAE. In fact, an engineering degree is one of the best courses that international students can take to get higher chances of working in the country, especially in Dubai. The pandemic has also increased engineering’s marketability.
Between 2019 and 2020, the demand for engineering roles increased by 72 percent. Some common job roles include marine engineer, biomedical engineer, materials engineer, audio engineer, and machine learning engineer.
For more information about applying for the right course to get into the UAE’s in-demand and emerging industries, check out MSMUnify’s courses now.