Budgeting tips for Indian students studying in New Zealand

Know Before You Go

Start with a well-planned budget to include tuition, accommodation, transportation, and leisure activities.

Accommodation Hacks

Opt for shared housing or university hostels to significantly reduce your living costs.

Cook Smart

Save money by cooking meals at home instead of eating out. Share meals with friends to cut costs further.

Wise Transport Choices

Use student discounts for public transport or consider biking—healthy for you and your wallet.

Thrifty Thrills

Explore free or low-cost local attractions and student events to keep entertained without breaking the bank.

Manage Your Money

Use budgeting apps to keep track of expenses and avoid unnecessary splurges.

Plan for the Unexpected

Always set aside a small emergency fund for unexpected expenses. Better safe than sorry!

Make lasting memories without breaking the bank.

Every Budget Opportunity is a Blessing