What Not to Do During Your Online Classes

Avoid trying to do too much at once—it lowers your focus and performance.

Multitasking Mayhem

Camera Shy?

Always keep your camera on if required; it fosters a more engaging and interactive learning environment.

Silence Isn't Golden Here

Participate actively. Silence might be interpreted as disinterest or absence from class.

Tech Check Ignored

Always check your equipment and internet connection before class starts to avoid disruptions.

A Snack Too Far

Eating noisy or distracting snacks during class can be disruptive. Save meal times for before or after class.

Workspace Woes

Don’t attend from inappropriate places. Ensure your background is professional and suitable for class.

Distraction Overload

Eliminate distractions. Keep your study area as calm and quiet as possible to maintain concentration.

Set Yourself Up for Success!

Avoid these common pitfalls to make the most of your online learning experience.